

How To Add Beautiful Sitemap In Blogger

What is a sitemap of a website?

A sitemap is a file that contains information about the pages, videos, and other files on your website, as well as the connections between them. This file is read by search engines like Google to help them crawl your site more effectively. Additionally, sitemap image entries can provide details such as image subject matter, type, and license.

What does Sitemap mean in terms of SEO?

In simple terms, an XML sitemap is a list of all the URLs on your website. It acts like a roadmap for search engines, showing them what content is available and how to access it. For instance, if there are nine pages listed in an XML sitemap, a search engine can find all of them with just one visit to the file.

Now let me share a beautiful sitemap which you can add in your blogger.

1. First go to blogger.com

2. Go to Pages and create a new page as "Sitemap".

3.  Now edit in "HTML View" and remove every code.

4. Finally add the code from Codepen-

5. Finally publish this page.

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