

How To Hide Or Show Blogger Widgets in Mobile View

What is blogger widget?

Adding widgets to your blog is an excellent method of personalizing it and introducing new features.

How To Find Widget ID in Blogger?

If your blog's widgets are not appearing on mobile view, follow these steps: Go to Blogger >> Template >> Layout, then click on the Edit button for the widget you want to display on your blog's template.

Find the Widget ID in the URL. Look for "widgetId" towards the end. If it's not there, copy the widget title. If there is no title, give one temporarily for search purposes.

How To Show Blogger Widgets in Mobile View?

Access widget code by navigating to Template >> Edit HTML and searching for Widget ID or title. Alternatively, use the "Jump to widget" option in the template editor.

This will take you straight to the widget coding. Simply add mobile='yes' after locked='false'.

How To Hide Blogger Widgets in Mobile View?

Access the template editor by clicking on "Edit HTML". Search for the widget coding using the copied widget ID or title.

This will lead you to the widget coding. Add "mobile='no'" in the widget code after "locked='false'".

Afterward, simply click on the "Save Template" button and your task will be complete.

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